Tarda de dibuixos a l’Abacus.

Dissabte passat (16/04/2016), diversos companys il·lustradors i jo, vam passar una tarda a l’Abacus de Fabra i Puig (Barcelona) dibuixant per a tots els nens i nenes que se’ns apropaven. Va ser una tarda de dracs, princeses, monstres, skaters, llibres, i molts somriures. Gràcies a tots per venir!!!!


Four Friends

Fa un temps, vaig mostrar-vos unes il·lustracions que estaven en procés sobre el conte «Four Friends» adaptació de Rus Buyok i amb les meves il·lustracions. Vet aquí, que l’editora Reading A-Z ens mostra el resultat final. Espero que us agradi.

Tal i com explica Reading A-Z:

«Four Friends is a delightful and clever story that students will love! Detailed illustrations, onomatopoeic words, and a repetitive text structure will support emergent readers. Students will also have the opportunity to make, revise, and confirm predictions as well as to make inferences and draw conclusions in order to better understand the story.»

Some time ago, I showed you some illustrations which were in progress about the tale «Four Friends». The text is a Rus Buyok adaptation with my illustrations. Reading A-Z show us the final result. I hope you like it.

 Reading A-Z«Four Friends is a delightful and clever story that students will love! Detailed illustrations, onomatopoeic words, and a repetitive text structure will support emergent readers. Students will also have the opportunity to make, revise, and confirm predictions as well as to make inferences and draw conclusions in order to better understand the story.»